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TyroLaunch combines effective preparation with proven processes to yield a superior service. Our Employment Search Program (ESP) is revolutionary in that it provides students/young adults a current snapshot of where they are via a self-assessment and couples their strengths with job search and career building strategies. Our solutions are delivered by seasoned career coaches who use industry proven strategies while highlighting effective networking, proper resume building, purposeful personal branding, and social media responsibility. Designed with the whole student in mind, our comprehensive Employment Search Program (ESP) is built to aid in maximizing a participant’s potential in the job search process.


The Challenge


Many students do not have any idea of how or where to begin a successful job search. Many parents struggle with how to guide them.

The Solution


Our ESP program is specifically designed to teach students/young adults the “do’s and “don’ts” of a job search.

The Value


For a minimal investment, your teen/young adult will reap benefits for their entire working career.

Experts in their Field

Our coaches are experienced and business savvy consultants who know the employment industry and convey what is important and necessary for success in the career search process. The return on investment (ROI) participating organizations receive is quite remarkable, most often leading to exponentially higher returns than invested.


Success happens through preparation. Musicians, artists, engineers, doctors, athletes…no matter the field or career, solid preparation is vital for a desired outcome. Winning does not happen by accident. Intentional preparation is crucial.

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Preparation alone does not guarantee success. The most successful sports teams, businesses, and organizations follow an effective process. By following intelligently designed and proven methods on a regular basis, people and organizations can pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, trim off unnecessary or inefficient efforts, and participate in best practices.


When thorough preparation and
a proven process is combined with an outstanding product, that is a recipe for success. We are confident our solutions will not only meet but also exceed your expectations.

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