Our Story

TyroLaunch started from a conversation between two friends discussing their teenagers' need for more life skills taught in high school to better prepare them for the “real world.” A great deal of time was spent on one specific topic, “the job search”, as they realized their teens had no idea how or where to even begin. Ironically, both friends have experience in this space. One of them has worked in education for over 20 years, while the other has been in the outplacement (job search) & staffing industries for over 25 years.
As the conversation continued, they shared how this challenge was not just with their teens. They soon realized there was a significant gap in teaching young adults the job search basics. These basics not only include job search fundamentals, but also the critical need for social media scrutiny and discipline.
There is a desperate need for a bridge to be built between the classroom and real world application of the “job search universe,” for students/young adults.
Leveraging their 45 plus years of combined experience in the fields of education and employment industries, TyroLaunch was designed.
Why the name TyroLaunch?
What’s in a name? For us, everything. We specifically chose the name TyroLaunch as it speaks to exactly what we are all about and who our solutions serve.
Tyro - noun: also ti·ro (tī′rō) novice; plural noun: novices
- Beginner, learner, inexperienced person, newcomer, new member, new recruit.
Launch - verb \ ˈlȯnch , ˈlänch\ launched; launching; launches
- To release, catapult, or send off (a self-propelled object).

What is involved in a successful launch?
Before any successful launch is made, many factors must be considered including: costs, training and/or experience, necessities, gear & equipment, direction, and a map of the terrain in the area one wishes to go. Successful launches help one go in a desired direction without lost time, effort and resources. Learning about the abilities and skills required to adapt and navigate obstacles during the launch phase are invaluable to initial success.